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14 de agosto de 2014

Prêmios de "A Queda: As Últimas Horas de Hitler"

Segundo o IMDB A Queda: As Últimas Horas de Hitler recebeu 25 prêmios e outras 22 indicações. Confira as principais:

Nomeado - Best Foreign Language Film of the Year - Germany.

Amanda Awards (Noruega)
  • Best Foreign Feature Film (Årets utenlandske kinofilm) - Oliver Hirschbiegel -Germany.

Bambi Awards
  • Film - National

Bavarian Film Awards
  • Won - Audience Award
  • Best Production (Produzentenpreis)
  • Best Actor (Darstellerpreis)- Bruno Ganz

Bodil Awards
  • Best Non-American Film (Bedste ikke-amerikanske film) - Oliver Hirschbiegel - Germany.

British Independent Film Awards
  • Best Foreign Independent Film

Fajr Film Festival
  • International Competition - Best Technical or Artistic Achievement - Oliver Hirschbiegel

German Film Awards
  • Nomeado - Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role (Beste darstellerische Leistung - Männliche Hauptrolle) - Bruno Ganz, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role (Beste darstellerische Leistung - Weibliche Nebenrolle) - Corinna Harfouch, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role (Beste darstellerische Leistung - Weibliche Nebenrolle) - Juliane Köhler

Golden Camera (Alemanha)
  • Best German Actress - Alexandra Maria Lara

Jupiter Award
  • Best German Actor - Bruno Ganz
  • Best German Actress - Alexandra Maria Lara

Kansas City Film Critics Circle Awards
  • Best Foreign Film

London Critics Circle Film Awards

  • Actor of the Year - Bruno Ganz
  • Foreign Language Film of the Year - Germany.
Indicado Screenwriter of the Year

Mar del Plata Film Festival
  • Best Screenplay
  • Nominated - Best Film
  • National Board of Review
  • Top Foreign Films

New York Film Critics, Online
  • Best Foreign Language Film

Online Film & Television Association
  • Best Foreign Language Film - Germany
Indicado Best Cinematic Moment - For the "The Goebbels Children's Deaths" sequence.

Online Film Critics Society Awards
  • Best Foreign Language Film

Robert Festival
  • Best Non-American Film (Årets ikke-amerikanske film)- Oliver Hirschbiegel

Santa Barbara International Film Festival
  • Best Performance by an Actor in an International Film - Bruno Ganz

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